I thought I'd run over the property in Borculo with a couple ariels of it and why I think its such a good little piece of property. You can see on the picture below which is more zoomed out, the general layout of everything. The red X to the north is my really good stand. The red X to the south is a new stand I moved this past year but never actually sat in it. I waited to long to put the stand there in my opinion. The green dotted lines are the trails and the general movement of the deer on the property. Green circles are bedding areas. Pink is crops, which is normally corn, beans or alfalfa. The blue circles are the ponds/water sources. The yellow lines represent the areas that the deer don't really cross and thus they are natural funnels. I also added where I shot my 10 pointer in 2010 which is the white square, his path after I shot him, the white dotted line and where Ross, Eric and myself found him, the white circle. This is also the trail i saw all the action on this year.
The new stand will allow me to hunt with a N, NW, and possible W wind. This past year the trail that runs through here was tore up like I have neve seen before and I really wish I would of pulled the trigger sooner but hind-sight is 20/20. But I have a stand there now and it will be waiting for me come late Oct or Nov.

Below is the zoomed in picture of my really good stand. You can see the deer trail/s, green dotted line, my stand, the red "X" and my access route, red dotted line. You can see why its such an awesome funnel. There is a small creek/ditch to the east of the stand that they really don't bother crossing because it would take them to close to the house and then to the SE of the stand you can't see on the ariel but there are trees that are knocked down and it forces them to go around which funnels them from that side. The distance between the two yellow lines is no more than 40 yards and my stand sits right on the edge and when the wind is out of the E, SE, or S it is absolutley perfect, especially in the morning during the rut. If they come through there they will be within 30 yards at least and if they take the money trail its a 10-15 yard shot depending on the direction they are traveling.

Hopefully, with the deer I saw and my plans of putting out minerals here I can get a bigger deer to set up shop this coming fall.
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