Well I promised Jacob we would make it out turkey hunting. So tonight (monday) i got off of work at a resonable time and I called Julie to bring him to the greenhouse and we would give it a shot. My boss was kind enough to let me hunt his property behind where I work. We sat on an edge of a corn field and I had only been calling for a half hour. Jacob was a real trooper keeping quiet and stil even with the bugs and thorns. Then I saw a turkey coming from our right and I could tell it was a male just couldn't see how big. As it turned out he followed the edge of the field to within 10 yards. Jacob was rock solid even when the bird stopped and I thought for sure it was going to bust us. But it took a couple more steps and I had an opening. Well the rest is in the pictures above. Turned out to be a young Jake 4" beard but that really didn't matter to me. This was by far the best time I have ever had in the woods. Jacob was really excited as you can see in the pictures. He is already talking about next year and getting a bigger one. Sounds like a hunter to me. I think he's hooked. I told him he was goning to have to sit in my treestand this fall now.
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