Sunday, July 22, 2012

Shooter Buck!!!!!!

 I was able to get down to the farm today.  I had a couple of stands I wanted to get hung and was pretty anxious to check my camera and watering holes.  With the rain they had gotten down there both water holes had water, but were now dry again.  Activity had picked up this check compared to the check I did 3 weeks ago during that really hot spell.  I got my first coyote picture as well.

The following pictures are of a really good shooter buck. He is a big 8.  He gave me 11 pictures and was in the area for more than 20 minutes.  So I got all kinds of angles.  He visits the mineral block and then goes to get a drink.  You can see there is water in the water hole, not a lot but enough.  Its pretty cool to see an idea working out.  I picked out some of the best shots and posted them below.

 The picture below is from 2 weeks prior to the ones above.  Its really blurry but I have a feeling this is the same deer.  The brow tines are very similar and if you look close you can see in the picture below there is a pretty good rack.  Another interesting thing is look at the times of day.  Hopefully that changes if he sticks around.

 Like I said above it was really neat to see the pictures this time almost every deer I have pictured is hitting the water as well as the minerals.  I was able to get another camera out over the other water hole so in 2-3 weeks hopefully I get some more pictures of some shooters and hopefully pattern a couple of them to get a good idea of travel routes, bedding and such.  I know where this guy is bedding right now so we will see how things change as we get closer to Sept.  In the meantime it sure is fun watching them grow.