I haven't posted much on here lately because I have been super busy lately. Although I have found time to check my camera here and there. Its actually been my best year to date using my camera. I have roughly 400 pictures already using one camera (thank you trophy rock). Although, nothing huge has showed up recently (except Tommy Boy in early June) I have gotten some pretty good deer. Most recently I have been watching a nice 2.5 year old 9 point who has showed up regulary for the last 4 weeks. He is not a huge deer but a very nice one. So I thought I would post his pictures from the last 4 weeks and you can see him grow a little bit.
This is about 4 weeks ago weeks ago
1 week ago, notice how much longer his g2's are compared to the first picture
The thing I like about this deer so far is how he is showing up during the day, mostly. What this tells me is that he is bedding pretty close by this area. I have a pretty good idea where so I moved one of our ladder stands this past Sunday in anticipation of this deer continueing to bed in this area. If he does then we have a good shot at seeing this deer in October during shooting hours. Especially the first week. Julie is going to get first crack at this guy. The first S,SW wind we get she will be in this stand. The cool thing is I also have pictures of a 7 point, another 8 point and a 6 point all visiting this spot frequently so it should be pretty good depending on who hangs around.
The good thing about this area is that just to the SE is a huge bedding area for does, they work their way through this area to go feed at night. I didn't sit here much last year becasue I was obsessed with the Sanctuary Buck, but 2 years ago on numerous occasions I saw 15+ deer while sitting here in the evening and when you see them they are generally close, because its a great pinch area. In fact the one night I drew back about 5 times and missed one doe at 25 yards. So it can be pretty crazy and you can get covered up in deer in a hurry.
So yes I am pretty excited for Julie to sit there because I want to put her in front of a good buck this year. She passed up a little fork horn at 10 yards last year (which made me very proud) and just barely missed a big old doe (which are harder to shoot than a lot of bucks, they are smart) So I can feel she is getting close we just need to have this stand work like it did 2 years ago and I firmly believe it will this year.