Well we recentley got back from our bi-annual fishing trip up to Meta Lake Lodge, Ontario. As usual we caught a ton of fish, 1100 to be exact. That was 4 guys and 7 days of fishing. Well actually about 5 days of fishing due to snow on 2 of those days and our day long trip up to Brace Lake, which really kills a day of fishing. So all things considered we did really well. On one of the days Dan set a new record and caught 98 fish in one day. Above are some pictures my uncle took I still havent gotten pictures from my brother in law or my father in law. I will post those when I get them. The biggest Northern was caught by my father in law it was 37.5" and my brother in law caught one that was 36", the biggest Walleye was caught by my uncle it was 24 1/2 inches long. We also caught 20 northerns that were 30" or bigger and countless Walleye 20" to 24". Like I said earlier the weather was cold our stove was stoked every night but it was usually pretty cold getting up in the morning. I am already looking forward to next time.